Cast List & Job Roles
At this stage we know have a good idea of what our horror trailer is going to be based on. Therefore we needed to give each member of the group a job role each. We had to allocate appropriate actors to suit such roles. From previous media work we had a good idea of what each member was best at so it was wuite easy to define who would be doing what. Our film trailer will only consist of three actors, we asked a friend outside our group if they would help participate in our A2 media work, we decided that Jade Cruise would best suit the main character as she is a good confident actor and would be best suited for what our plan for the main character is going to be which is a mental patient, this is because she has pale skin and dark hair which will make her look scary. As an individual she felt that she would succeed in producing a very professional and successful trailer overall, Jade is very enthusiastic and able to portray emotions effectively.Our other two characters needed are two doctors therefore we asked another friend Sarah Lolley if she would ask a small role in our film trailer and then we decided that Charlotte Magill would be allocated the other, this is because I have more experience with the camera and Charlotte would be a better actor.
My job role
was to research into the horror genre and input in the planning, (all members of the group created there own research), to make our trailer, film poster and magazine cover effective. From previous experience in our AS coursework I am very creative which helps significantly with creating a film poster and magazine cover, I am capable of outlining the best ideas to attract a audience. As a group we also decided that I would film the footage as i filmed in our previous opening for AS.
At this stage we know have a good idea of what our horror trailer is going to be based on. Therefore we needed to give each member of the group a job role each. We had to allocate appropriate actors to suit such roles. From previous media work we had a good idea of what each member was best at so it was wuite easy to define who would be doing what. Our film trailer will only consist of three actors, we asked a friend outside our group if they would help participate in our A2 media work, we decided that Jade Cruise would best suit the main character as she is a good confident actor and would be best suited for what our plan for the main character is going to be which is a mental patient, this is because she has pale skin and dark hair which will make her look scary. As an individual she felt that she would succeed in producing a very professional and successful trailer overall, Jade is very enthusiastic and able to portray emotions effectively.Our other two characters needed are two doctors therefore we asked another friend Sarah Lolley if she would ask a small role in our film trailer and then we decided that Charlotte Magill would be allocated the other, this is because I have more experience with the camera and Charlotte would be a better actor.
My job role
Charlotte Magill is the othe member of the group felt comfortable with acting as the doctor/nurse in our trailer. H
owever she will not be the main acress as she didnt want to take on the main role as she didnt feel very stongly in her acting skills. Charlotte was given a very simplistic role so therefore was up for acting. Charlotte will only be needed in a shot reverse shot of a conversation between the doctors, this will only take up a short amount of time and there will not be much speech needed so this role suited her best. Charlotte didnt have a main job role but she did participate in all set tasks thats was given to both of us to complete such as group decusions, mind maps, planning a magazine front cover ect. However, Charlotte can help me out in parts of filming in taking different shots and movements in order to have a wide range when it will come to us editing.
There was a number of roles that myself and my two partners had to allocate each to. Each member of the group had different skills so therefore suited different roles. We have been able to outline our different skills over the two year period of the media course. As a group we identified that I was best suited for the camera work as I felt most comfortable, I also did not like being withing the eye of the camera so therefore this role suited me best, however Charlotte Magill did help with numerous shots. We was able to ask two friends of our to help us out with our filming and we decided that Jade Cruise was best for the main actress as she had more experience within the scenes and had more practice in front of the camera rather than behind it and Sarah Lolley would be a great help in order for us to shoot her in one shot.
We decided that both me and charlotte would help contribute to producing the magazine cover along with the film poster. This would mean that all members have to include creativity skills to incorporate a high standard level of work. However, due to me not taking any action in front of the camera and taking responsibility for the camera, i will take a more catered role in producing the magazine and poster. Charlotte however contributed to acting, helping with the camera, the poster and the magazine front cover. All members of the group will take credit in editing our trailer overall as will all share a range of different skills.
Overall I fell that me and Charlotte work well together an we will aim to create the best trailer we can and we have decided on which job roles best suit eachother and we will help eachother throughout.
There was a number of roles that myself and my two partners had to allocate each to. Each member of the group had different skills so therefore suited different roles. We have been able to outline our different skills over the two year period of the media course. As a group we identified that I was best suited for the camera work as I felt most comfortable, I also did not like being withing the eye of the camera so therefore this role suited me best, however Charlotte Magill did help with numerous shots. We was able to ask two friends of our to help us out with our filming and we decided that Jade Cruise was best for the main actress as she had more experience within the scenes and had more practice in front of the camera rather than behind it and Sarah Lolley would be a great help in order for us to shoot her in one shot.
We decided that both me and charlotte would help contribute to producing the magazine cover along with the film poster. This would mean that all members have to include creativity skills to incorporate a high standard level of work. However, due to me not taking any action in front of the camera and taking responsibility for the camera, i will take a more catered role in producing the magazine and poster. Charlotte however contributed to acting, helping with the camera, the poster and the magazine front cover. All members of the group will take credit in editing our trailer overall as will all share a range of different skills.
Overall I fell that me and Charlotte work well together an we will aim to create the best trailer we can and we have decided on which job roles best suit eachother and we will help eachother throughout.
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