Monday, 9 May 2011

Research: Targeting and audience & My chosen genre


Films chose a target audience to help them specify who their film is going to be aimed at and how they are going to promote and market the film to get the audience drawn in. A target audience involves age, gender or ethnicity ect. By chosing a target audience it allows film makers to communicate and attract certain social groups, products such as adverts/film trailers/junkets/colours/layouts help promote a film as shown in research shown of magazine front covers and film poster. Advertisment is a main technique used for film makers as it gathers a wider audience. New technologies such as 3D is a huge francentise to attract new audiences, for example people are likely to go and watch a film at the cinema's because they are able to watch it in 3D. Films such as toy story 3D was a successful hit making the film popular and having a wide audience.


For my A2 coursework my chosen genre for our product is 'horror'. The reason for this choise is because we previously carried out lots of research in our AS media coursework and produced a good opening scene to a horror therefore i think we could work well at completing a successfull product in this course. Horror is an easy genre to go for as conventions used in the genre are clear and easy to portray than other genres that I have researched. Horror is easy to identify as for instance mise-en-scene that can be used is simple such as the use of murder weapons (knifes ect). Also the iconography is easy to reinforxe as the use of cotumes and props such as blood is easily reffered to.

The audience of horror films are interested mostly due to the thrills and the adrenaline rush from being fearful. The usual age demographic is usually teenagers and young adults. Mostly horror films are reviewed negatively yet sell well as teenagers may find appeal in certain aspects of the film that a critic may negatively review, they might be interested solely in the terror and killings. Because of this, most horror films are targeted directly towards the teen demographic as they will accept the faults of the horror genre more so than an older audience and critics would. Horror films such as Final Destination and 28 Days Later are popular amongst teenagers because they appeal to teenagers. Though they may be targeted towards an adolescent crowd, older generations still enjoy the horror genre almost as much. Through research i have discovered that the majority of horror films have a 15 or 18 age restriction certificate.

Themes: There are themes of good vs evil, normal vs abnormal, male vs female and dark vs light. Often these themes lead to the messages and values presented in the movie. Usually the basic theme for the plot will be for one character or a group of characters to overcome fear or evil an antagonists evoke to them.

Setting/location: The setting/location of the film from the Horror genre is typically set in an isolated environment. The atmosphere is usually intense and fast pace, the disturbance of peace in a quiet location.

Characters: The characters usually each play a specific role in the Horror genre. There is an antagonist which is the villain of the story, 'the bad guy' and the protagonist which is the character that tries to overcome and 'defeat' the antagonist. The role of a woman portrayed in the Horror genre is significant, usually in the beginning of a Horror plot the woman is seen as weak and feeble but then as the plot unravels she is seen to be strong and is the character that defeats evil. This follows the 'Final Girl Theory'. The heroes or heroines have different attitudes towards the antagonist than the 'Human Fodders'. The protagonists usually run away at first to either find a more destructive weapon or an effective method to overcome the antagonist. In addition the other characters that accompany the protagonist depend on them to keep them alive.

Iconography - This is what features in the film to represent that specific genre. With the Horror genre the use of props, music, camera shots and settings can signify that specific genre. The use of iconography can be heavily symbolise conventions of the Horror genre, for example the use of blood symbolises death which then can signify a theme from the Horror genre.

Sub-Genres of Horror
Haunting and Demonic Possessions - These types of films play and evoke the audience's fear of the unknown, superstition and the idea that evil forces such as ghosts and spirits exist in the world. These forces are usually portrayed in a spiritual presence of the dead such as witches, spirits, ghosts or demons. These kind of plots include the fight between good and evil by referencing religion. For example in films like 'The Grudge' which includes an American nurse being exposed to a mysterious supernatural curse.

Apocalypse - Mankind is threatened with extinction of the human race by inhuman creatures of monsters. The antagonists in plot may consist of creatures out of space or a threat of a plague or virus that can spread and wipe out man kind. Films like 'Resident Evil' or 'Rec' portray this sub-plot and the film usually ends with mankind dying out and the disturbing noises of the creatures dominating.

The Human Monster - This deals with the horror of abnormality of the antagonists personality such as psychopathology and murder or psychosis and insanity. This plot explores and takes the audience inside of the mind of the killer who appears to be insane, usually these sort of antagonists seek out revenge on innocent victims. The characteristics of this sub-pot portrays the idea that some people are born with no sense of morality therefore leading them to become a cold-blooded murderer.

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