After a group descusion we came up with an idea of what our horror film trailer was going to be based on. Therefore, we came up with a props and costume list which helped organise our film and in order for us to get everything we needed before actually filming. Props are very important in any type of film this is because it gives the identity of the characters and it enables the audience to understand the storyline. In our horror trailer there will be many props used props used for symbolism and hints for the plot. For example, a knife will be the antagonists, we chose a knife as a weapon because we believe that it keeps the plot and killing of the victims more realistic rather than using an out of the ordinary weapon. Some props we are not able to use correctly, for exmple we are not able to use real blood for hygienic reasons so therefore have to buy fake blood or summet that looks very realistic.
We decided that the main character, the antagonist will be wearing very pale make - up, although we will use little amount to make a pale ill looking image, we came up with the idea of the antagonist wearing white eye contacts in order to hide her true identity and to make her look very scary. The costume of the antagonist also portays a stong image and story as it is a hospital gown, and the whole body expressions given portray a stong sense of storyline. Body language used by the antagonist also the trailer in total helps the audience outline much of the genre. The behaviour portrayed by this character tends to be uncontrolable, and very dangerous, hence the reason living in a institution.
Other characters involved in this trailer will be the protagonist, these will be the two nurses who are working in this institution. They will wear white cloacks making them look like doctors and we will use probs such as a clip board and stethoscope so that the image of doctors is understood by the audience watching. These props will be gathered by both us in the group as some of the items we already have and are able to gather.
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