I have conducted research in to my target audience through a questionnaire. The results from my questionnaire informs me of various information relating to film trailers, age groups and personal preferences revolving music, genre, actors and storylines. Our results will be very useful to evaluating different people opinions of all different ages, genders and ethnicity's. I will take into consideration of these opinions and take action when producing our film trailer.
This is the questionnaire that we design for respondents to fill out. The results from my questionnaire into target audiences shows that the most common places an audience watches film trailers are on the internet and at the cinema and therefore this would be the best platform to release my production through. Additionally, I found that most individual's of all ages enjoy watching film trailers as they are able to see future releases, predict good films to watch and watch there favourite actors. In general the public enjoying seeing the main actors in the film as it is this they is more likely to attract them and want to pay to see the full viewing of the movie.. This is good for publicity when it is a well known star as it creates a buzz amongst the public and generates a fan base. My sample for my questionnaire said they prefer to see a 1/2 of the storyline, as it enables them to know the genre and style of the film however it allows most of the film to be a surprise when they go to watch it. The sample also felt a range of locations used in the trailer made the film more appealing as it showed diverse parts of the storyline and actors. It was also more enjoyable and exciting to watch. Additionally to this they felt the use of titles in a trailer are important in order to get the main information across such as title of the film, release date and main actors. Out of the 12 questionnaires, 8 people said that they prefer fast pace trailers as opposed to slow pace Within a trailer they expected to see the main actor, titles and a range of locations. The information they expected to gain from the trailer was the basic narrative outline, the genre of the story and additional info such as release date etc.
This results for this pie chart asked the respondents 'what do you enjoy about film trailers?' The majority of people answered to build up an insight about the film, which then encourages them to go and watch the full film. Our aim will be to produce a film trailer with a clear storyline without giving away to much so people are left in suspense and want to watch further. We need to ensure that we make our film trailer exciting to help build up insights for the audience so they want to know more about the film.

This graph asked the quesion 'who do you prefer to see in your trailer?' The majority of people said they thought film trailers are more effective when the main character is introduced. I totally agree with this as introducing the main character will draw the audience in therefore i will take this into consideration and i will follow the respondants view and will include the main character in our film trailer.
This line graph shows the respondents answers from the question 'do you prefer fast pace or slow pace trailers?' The majority of people preffered fast pace trailers which is resonable as film trailers need to build up excitment for the audience. In our film trailer we will use fast past to build up tension and excitment but slower pace in cartain shots for the audience to have a good idea of what is going on.
This graph asked 'how much of the narrative do you prefer to see?' Many respondants answered 50%, this means half of the storyline to be shown which is a significant amount of the story. However the audience would want to know what they are going to watch. We will use peoples opinion to help support our trailer to help it become successful, we will include a strong narrative so the audience understand what the film is going to be about and if it is there type of film they are likely to watch it, however we dont intend to include the full narrative as this gives away the film and less people are likely to go ahead and watch it as they feel they have already seen the majority.
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